Did you know there are plenty of people foods that u should never give ur four legged child?

Avocado – Has persin, causes diarrhea and vomiting
Alcohol – Just a little can affect a dog’s liver and brain
Caffeine, Coffee – fatal to dogs
Chocolate – Contains theobromine
Garlic – kills their red blood cells & causing anemia
Grapes - can cause kidney failure
Macadamia Nuts – look for symptoms like muscle shakes, vomiting, high temperature, and weakness in the back legs.
Mushrooms – kidney & liver failures
Nutmeg - may cause hallucinations and severe vomiting
Onions - kill their red blood cells & causing anemia
Persimmons, Peaches, and Plums – Seeds can cause problems in a dog's small intestine & pits also have cyanide.
Raisins - can cause kidney failure
Raw Potatoes - contain solanine, which is toxic to dogs.
Xylitol – Found in some peanut butter, toothpaste, and gum, causes liver failure
Yeast Dough - swells inside their tummy & yeast ferments it and creates alcohol which can lead to alcohol poisoning.

Here at pawsitively Sweet Bakery, we are committed to baking organic, all natural healthy treats with the right healthy ingredients. More importantly ingredients you can pronounce. Your four-legged child will love and best they are all Finn approved!